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COVID-19 Resources

Houston Hope Line: 832.831.7337

As the weariness of the pandemic continues on and we feel the impact on our mental health, here are some phone numbers and articles/resources that can be of assistance.

This a free line available daily from 5-8 PM offered through the Hope and Healing Center & Institute. The Hope Line allows you to speak to someone who will listen to you and serve as an outlet for your emotions and distress that you are feeling.

Covid-19 Support Line and Resources (Toll-Free): 832.255.6715

The Harris Center provides a toll-free support line and other resources through the Harris Center for Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), which is available 24 hours every day of the week. They aim to transform the lives of those with behavioral health needs. They strive to empower people with behavioral health and IDD needs to improve their lives through an accessible, integrated, and comprehensive recovery-oriented system of care.

Resource Guides and Articles: