We go into the world to share the gospel as individuals in our circles of influence and as a body in Houston and beyond. We provide strategic opportunities locally and globally to share the Gospel and also equip the Body of Christ to share their faith in their daily lives.
Explore our giving options and let us answer your questions on how to bless our community with your generosity.
To see a multiplication of new churches planted throughout the Houston area by creating an environment in which potential church planters can become equipped, empowered, and supported as they seek to plant churches that plant churches.
1. Gospel-Centered: We desire to see gospel-centered churches planted where God’s grace saturates, motivates, and empowers every believer so that our world would be transformed and restored to the way God intended.
2. Spiritual and Emotional Health: We desire to see church plants that are marked by both spiritual and emotional health.
3. Contextual: We desire to see contextualized church plants that are flexible, creative, and open to diverse methods, models, and strategies so that they fit the context and culture of their location.
4. Missional: We desire to see church plants grow as a result of missional living and outreach instead of simply by transfer growth.
Through a partnership with the Houston Church Planting Network (www.hcpn.org), we serve as an “anchor church” for potential church planting residents who have successfully completed HCPN’s assessment and training and meet FPC Church Planting Resident requirements. For information regarding these requirements, please contact us at churchplanting@fpchouston.org.
We seek to create smaller missional communities throughout Houston with an emphasis on reaching non-believers. Our first missional community is Creo Christ.
Our hope and desire is that as our church grows, we will be able to plant additional services and sites that reach different demographics in unique ways.
In 2016, Jeremiah Morris, who served FPC in various roles for many years, along with his wife Ashley and their children, led a core team of people to launch 7 Mile Road. Since then, the church has grown to approximately 500 people on Sundays and have already planted their own church, with more in the pipeline. It is a dynamic church that continues to make an impact in the Houston area.
In the Spring of 2019, Chris and Rebecca Harrison, along with their family and a core group from FPC, launched Kingdom Story Fellowship. With a desire to be a gospel-centered, multi-ethnic, new church in the Oak Rest/Northwest Loop area of Houston, they are reaching out and impacting lives in significant ways in their community.
Commissioned in August of 2019, Jonathan and Taylor Ramsay began a non-profit model of church planting where they are seeking to serve the South Union (Third Ward) area of Houston. Through initiatives such as Jericho House and Cullen Middle School outreach, Jericho Road Renewal seeks to impact lives for God’s Kingdom in South Union. The hope and prayer is that as people come to faith through their faithful service, a new community of faith will be born.
Led by Emmanuel Paulpeter, our Pastor of Evangelism, Creo Christ is a missional community/house church that meets near the Montrose area in Houston. This is a community that creates a safe place for believers as well as non-believers to explore the Christian faith. It is an extension of our Alpha Ministry. For more information, contact Emmanuel Paulpeter at epaulpeter@fpchouston.org.
Planting churches is a God “thing.” It is by His Sovereign grace and power that healthy, vibrant, biblical churches can be planted. Thus, we need to depend on God through prayer to make this happen.
We need the financial support of not only FPC Houston, but also individuals willing to support the work of the church planters. We invite you to support our plants and planters by giving directly to our plants or by designating your donation to “Church Planting” via the Giving to FPC page. Please make sure to write in the “memo” that this is for “Church Planting.”
Prayerfully consider becoming a part of one of our plants. If you are interested, please contact the plant and planters directly.