We go into the world to share the gospel as individuals in our circles of influence and as a body in Houston and beyond. We provide strategic opportunities locally and globally to share the Gospel and also equip the Body of Christ to share their faith in their daily lives.
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Belong | Behold | Become
Welcome to the FPC Youth Group! Our mission is for students to belong like family, behold Jesus, and become disciples. As our students grow in community with each other, they experience the presence of Jesus in a way that transforms them into disciples who love God and others in a radical way.
FPC’s Middle School Youth Ministry has a variety of weekly and annual activities to help students in 6th through 8th grade grow in faith.
The High School Ministry at FPC provides many opportunities to fellowship, worship, and grow in God’s Word.
Use the buttons below to find Christ-honoring testimonies from the past several years of graduating seniors. Watch and be encouraged! Use password: youth