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Confirmation Class

Youth House 1 Pinedale St., Houston, TX, United States

The confirmation process for eighth graders begins in early February and will conclude on Youth Sunday, when our confirmands will be received as FPC Covenant Partners. The confirmation process is…

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College Prep for Seniors


For location and more information, please contact Jessica Kirklin at

Confirmation Class

Youth House 1 Pinedale St., Houston, TX, United States

The confirmation process for eighth graders begins in early February and will conclude on Youth Sunday, when our confirmands will be received as FPC Covenant Partners. The confirmation process is…

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Confirmation Class

Youth House 1 Pinedale St., Houston, TX, United States

The confirmation process for eighth graders begins in early February and will conclude on Youth Sunday, when our confirmands will be received as FPC Covenant Partners. The confirmation process is…

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College Prep for Seniors


For location and more information, please contact Jessica Kirklin at