Prayer Chain
The prayer chain is a group dedicated to lifting up the concerns of an individual or loved one in confidence. They will keep your prayer request confidential and check in and follow-up with your request for prayer.
Prayer Shawls
The Knitters with a Heart is comprised of a group that love to knit. As a ministry, they knit shawls and small blankets that are distributed by pastors or those who visit someone in the hospital or home to people who are ill, who have lost a family member, or who need encouragement. If you would like to request a shawl please email the caring ministry.
Congregational Care Prayer Listing
The Congregational Care Prayer Listing is a weekly prayer list of covenant partners who are in need of prayer. Requests for prayer are made by the person needing prayer, others who are connected in some way to that individual, or from a pastor and/or staff member.
Prior to adding someone to the list, information received from someone other than the person, is verified and confirmed with permission to be shared. Information relating to the need is treated as confidential by the Caring Ministry.
To be added to the Congregational Care Prayer Listing or to receive the weekly update via email, please email or call Patsy Powell at 713.620.6546.