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Memorials and
Memorial Garden

Memorial Support at FPC

Memorial Services

FPC Caring Ministry assists families in planning a memorial service that recognizes the loss of a loved one as well as the celebration of his or her life.   In accordance with our theology and as an expression of our faith, the service is an occasion of dignity, reverence and remembrance. To learn more, please read our policies and guidelines on next steps to plan a memorial. 

Live stream details for upcoming memorial services are posted below.

Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden provides covenant partners and their families the opportunity to select their final resting place on the grounds of the church to be a place of solitude, beauty and dignity where their loved ones can visit and pray. The memorial wall lists the names of the deceased in remembrance to those who have moved onto the Church Triumphant. The Garden is located close to the Sanctuary.

For information about the FPC Memorial Garden, email

Upcoming Memorial Services

Broadcasts of memorial services begin 15 minutes before memorial start times.
If you experience an issue connecting to our live stream, email

Live Stream Password: memorial

To view previous memorial services, please click on the link below.