Women’s Fellowship Circles are small groups of women representing different ages and stages of life that meet once a month to build friendships, study the Bible, and participate in mission projects to support those in need locally and throughout the world.
Our circles meet at various locations listed below once a month on different days and at different times. The Bible studies are led by circle members who are taught by church pastors and staff on a monthly basis. We also have a mission focus each quarter that helps local ministries such as Main Street Ministries, The Nehemiah Center, and the Seafarers’ Center at the Port of Houston.
This year (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) our Bible study is on Psalms of the Heart by Eugene Peterson, who authored The Message, a version of the Bible in laymen’s terms. We will use the Bible and Eugene Peterson’s study guide which may be purchased here.
If you are interested in joining a group of women who serve, study, love, and support one another, please contact Evelyn Smith at esmith1856@comcast.net or 713.445.6756 or contact a circle leader directly as listed below.
We would love to have you join us! We welcome newcomers!
Diane Page | keyespage@gmail.com | 713.665.8166
Sue White | sueandbuz@earthlink.net | 713.304.3372
Candy Roberts | robertsmd1902@earthlink.net | 713.594.2075
We each bring a salad item for a salad buffet dinner.
Susan Engel | susanengel@att.net | 713.302.3984