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Middle School

Here at FPC, our desire is to equip our students to handle all the craziness that middle school brings their way while creating a space for them to be themselves in a loving Christ-centered community. Join us as we gather on Sunday mornings for Sunday school and on Sunday evenings for our Bible study, D2!

Weekly Activities

Sunday School

Sundays | 9:30 AM | Middle School Basement (LC 080)
Please join us on Sunday mornings in the Middle School basement for a chance to connect with each other and hear relevant and Christ-centered teaching. 

Resound! Youth Choir

Sunday Morning Rehearsal | 8:45-9:45 AM | Presbyterian School MS Choir Room
Resound! is a choir for youth grades 6–12. They sing regularly in worship services and participate in state-wide and national choir events, such as the YouthCue Festival at Baylor University. The choir also does outreach through local mission opportunities. New members are welcome throughout the year! For more information, contact Leigh Shipman.


Sundays | 5–6:30 PM | Youth House (1 Pinedale St.)
D2, or Diving Deeper, is our weekly event intended for students to dive deeper into Scripture together and spend time in Christian community. Join other Middle schoolers for a meal, fellowship, and small group discussion. Feel free to invite a friend!


Confirmation at FPC is for our 8th grade students seeking to become Covenant Partners. Confirming is a time for our students to be built up in their knowledge and understanding of the faith. We will study what it means to be a part of the church, how to study God’s word on your own and what living out our faith means. This process will begin in early February and conclude on Youth Sunday in May where our confirmands will be inducted as Covenant Partners at FPC.

Meet the Team

Jessica Kirklin

Youth Coordinator

Will McMullin

Associate Director of Middle School Boys

Ashley Kennedy

Associate Director of Middle School Girls