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Parking at FPC

Parking Updates

Below are the details needed to make parking at FPC for Sunday worship or attending weekday activities a breeze. Please refer to the map below for parking locations.


Sunday morning FPC parking is available in the North Lot (see info below) and outside of the Welcome Center (South Entrance). In addition, we encourage you to utilize the covered parking available in the MFAH parking garage, accessed from entrances on Montrose or Main, free every Sunday until 2 PM. Parking is no longer permitted at the Masonic Lodge.


Monday through Saturday, parking at FPC is located in the North Parking Lot. Specific instructions for this lot are below. In addition, the MFAH Parking Garage can be used at no cost for brief visits to campus. Short-term parking, 0-30 minutes, is available free of charge. This lot can be utilized for longer visits, either with validation by the ministry or activity being attended (available from 7 AM–5 PM on weekdays only) or at the rate noted below in the MFAH fee schedule. Please note that validations from FPC are not available on Saturdays.

North Lot (Corner of Main & Oakdale)

The North Lot has a single entrance located off of Oakdale St. Parking is limited to FPC and Presbyterian School employees, ministries, members, and guests. Parking in this lot may also be restricted to FPC and Presbyterian School employees, ministries, members, and guests after hours or on weekends for special events, at which time signage will be present. If you are returning to this lot after hours, please feel free to request a Security Escort from the Welcome Center.

The North Lot is available for Sunday worship, including spots designated for two-hour parking. Please note that we offer a golf cart shuttle from the North Parking Lot from 9 AM–1 PM on Sundays.

Other Parking & Drop-Off Options

A limited number of parking spots for the disabled, those with limited mobility, and for general use are available around the perimeter of the FPC campus and are designated with any restrictions. For the convenience of those visiting the campus or transporting heavy items, drop-off via the covered Welcome Center (South Entrance) or Palm Court (North Entrance) driveways is also available.

MFAH Montrose Lot Fee Schedules

Free every Sunday until 2 PM

0-30 MinutesFreeFree
31 Minutes - 4 Hours$6.00$10.00
4-12 Hours$10.00$18.00
12-24 Hours$35.00$35.00

For more details about the MFAH Montrose Parking Garage, please visit
If you have additional questions about parking options at FPC, email Hunter Johnson at

*Please avoid parking at the Masonic Lodge. Any unauthorized cars will be towed.