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Cheryl Christie
Director of Connections


More About Cheryl Christie...

Describe your job in 10 words or fewer.

I assist people in making connections at church. I am the “welcome wagon.”


What’s one of your favorite scriptures?

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1


What are your top 3 favorite movies?

The Mission, Enchanted (Enchanted 2 comes out in 2022), and Princess Bride


What is your hidden talent or fun fact about you?

I can tap dance!


Best thing about Houston?

So many great restaurants!


What drew you to your current role / ministry?

I love how Jesus works through the local church. It is a joy to see people minister and be ministered to within the body of Christ.


What do you enjoy most about being on staff at FPC?

Working with people who love Jesus


Most memorable FPC moment?

Being a part of the lead team for the If conference (women’s conference) that the church hosted


Favorite workday lunch spot?

Raven Grill


What year did you start working at FPC?



What is your go-to Chick-Fil-A order?



If you could have dinner with anyone (past, present, or future) who would it be and why?

Jesus, Jonathan Edwards, Shakespeare, Charles Spurgeon, and Shirley Temple


Who is your favorite author?

Charles Spurgeon


What is something God has been teaching you lately?

Resting in His sovereignty is always wise


What music are you listening to right now?

Crowder’s newest music – I am preparing for his upcoming concert.


What is your favorite TV show or movie?

Law and Order – the original series


What is one of the most memorable experiences of your life?

Responding to the altar call at church when I was nine – I ran down the aisle to meet Jesus!


What inspires you?

The grace and love of God – a love described by Sally Lloyd Jones as “a wonderful, never-stopping-never-giving-up-unbreaking-always-and-forever love.”


What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Sweet Cream with chocolate chips from Marble Slab