Describe your job in 10 words or fewer.
Manage our local and global mission partnerships and engage our members in mission.
What’s one of your favorite scriptures?
Seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. – Micah 6:8
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
5 – Out of Africa, Chariots of Fire, Green Mile, Cry Freedom, Philadelphia
What is your hidden talent or fun fact about you?
I grew up riding horses bareback (without a saddle) up in the Texas Panhandle. I got my palomino quarter horse, Guilty when I was 9 years old. He was two and lived to be 30 years old.
Best thing about Houston?
The community/people
What drew you to your current role / ministry?
The Lord called me to missions in 1999! I love cross-cultural engagement, serving alongside others and being an encouragement to those in difficult situations
What do you enjoy most about being on staff at FPC?
The awesome interaction with our missions partners and introducing our covenant partners to ministries and seeing them engage!
Most memorable FPC moment?
Over the 22 years on staff, there have been many. A recent one is orgnd amazing worship together, way back for the 180 Renewal Conference when we had Winds of Change choir from the Innerchange Freedom Initiative program at the Carol Vance Unit,
Favorite workday lunch spot?
Green Seed Vegan or Island Grill
What year did you start working at FPC?
What is your go-to Chick-Fil-A order?
Grilled chicken wrap
If you could have dinner with anyone (past, present, or future) who would it be and why?
Martin Luther King – He was a faithful man of God who stood up to injustice peacefully. I would love to just learn from him. Nelson Mandela would be my global alternate!
Who is your favorite author?
So many – John Eldredge, Bryant L. Myers, James Harriot, Patricia McConnell, NT Wright
What is something God has been teaching you lately?
To pause, rest, and seek balance between work and personal life
What music are you listening to right now?
None at this moment. But when I do, often instrumental/classical/spa.
What is your favorite TV show or movie?
Call the Midwife, Chicago Fire, PBS Masterpiece Theatre, AND…. NFL Football! 🙂
What is one of the most memorable experiences of your life?
Again, there are so many. Being in South Africa in 1992 out in the bush on safari with a white South African, a black South African, and a dear friend with the full moon overhead when we heard the results on two-way radio of the election to officially vote to end apartheid. Basically, it was an election to have an election to end apartheid which happened in 1994. Everyone cheered and toasted!!
What inspires you?
God’s amazing creation… sky and clouds, vistas, mountains, pine trees swaying in the wind….all shout of God’s majesty and omnipotence!! Cool crisp of dawn too!
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Mocha almond fudge