Project Flourish is on hold. Please check back for application dates.
Project Flourish is gospel-minded. Qualifying projects should: – Embody the empathy of Jesus – Be holistic in nature and as such, should understand and attempt to tackle the root causes of the problem it is trying to solve – Be meaningful – Be long-lasting in both impact and vision and should create a systemic solution to systemic problems
Demonstrate potential for replication and scaling beyond the metropolitan Houston area.
Project Flourish is faith-based and Christian values will inform, and be applied to, the screening and judging process.
Applicants in all stages of their project, from the idea stage to fully established, are welcome. However, weight will be given during the review process to new and innovative solutions or programs. Project Flourish is not risk-averse and welcomes idea-stage ventures.
The impact of the proposed idea or program must be local, i.e. within 50 miles of downtown Houston. It must benefit the greater Houston community/area.
If you are a web-based service, such as an app designer, website, tech platform etc., based in Houston but not explicitly serving the Houston community, you are welcome to apply to Project Flourish. However, you will have the added burden of showing how your project impacts the Houston community.
If a project or idea is accepted into the Project Flourish program, that same project or idea will no longer be eligible to apply for or receive funds from First Presbyterian Church during the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Membership at First Presbyterian Church does NOT provide any preference to the applicant and any attempt to use one’s membership at FPC for preference or advantage will result in elimination from Project Flourish at the sole discretion of the Project Flourish Director.
An applicant is not eligible to participate in the 2022-2023 Project Flourish if they received FPC funding in 2019-2020. Prior grant recipients can apply again every second cycle.
Prior applicants who did not receive funding are welcome to apply again.
Application Form
The 2024 Project Flourish Season is on hold, please check back for application dates.